Censornet Workplace Security

Censornet Workplace Security is a Cloud-based security solution that combines a range of security services into one easy-to-manage platform. This service helps you transform your security program in response to the blurring boundaries by being able to work anytime, anywhere. Censornet keeps you safe and agile in today's online world. With Censornet, you get fast, easy-to-use tools to ensure your assets and data stay safe, no matter where your employees are. You can deploy the flexible solution at any location, at the office, on the road and for any internet connection at home.

Censornet offers extensive security features, including email security, web filtering, cloud application security and Security Awareness Training for your employees.

Censornet allows organizations to manage employee Internet usage using powerful web filtering and application control features. These features allow organizations to restrict access to specific websites or categories and prevent employees from accessing potentially harmful or inappropriate content.
