[OPGELOST] IRMA Bereikbaarheid

—Afmelding bericht vrijdag 11 februari om 13:00 uur — Uit voorlopig onderzoek is gebleken dat bereikbaarheid van IRMA gerelateerd is aan connectiviteit problemen zie: https://cspreporter.nl/storingen/#25296 Vanaf nu zullen wij m.b.t. impact en verloop die melding blijven updaten. —Oorspronkelijk bericht vrijdag

KPN Een Receptionist+ niet beschikbaar

Engineers ontvangen meldingen dat de KPN Een Receptionist+ niet beschikbaar is. Leverancier is aangestuurd voor onderzoek en herstel Volgende update volgt rond 10:00 uur.

[OPGELOST] Bestellen 085-nummers

– Afmelding bericht Vrijdag 31/01/2025 16:50 – Herstel heeft plaatsgevonden, bestellingen van 085-nummers lopen weer door. Deze melding wordt hierbij gesloten. – Oorspronkelijk bericht Vrijdag 31/01/2025 15:30 – Engineers melden momenteel problemen met het opleveren van nieuwe 085-nummers. Er wordt

Accessibility OneBase

Engineers observe reduced accessibility of OneBase. Engineers have been managed for research and recovery. Update follows as soon as we have more information

[SOLVED] Mobile delivery street

— Unsubscribe message 20/01/2025 4:15 PM — The backlog has largely been cleared. The last part of the backlog will also be processed as soon as possible. This notification is hereby closed. — Update message Monday 20/01/2025 13:45 — The lever street has just been turned back on.

[FIXED] Manage access to VDOMs

— Cancellation 09:00 16-01-2025 — Maintenance took place last night in accordance with maintenance notification. Public management can be restored per VDOM by means of a ticket on request. Engineers will securely restore administrator access using a local_in policy. — Update 1:00 PM 14-01-2025


— Unsubscribe January 14, 2025 5:00 PM — After further investigation, engineers report that the API messages are processed correctly and immediately, but that the internal administration of the messages is lagging behind. Engineers confirm that there is currently

[SOLVED] OneBase Partner access to Telephone Exchange

-Unsubscribe message Thursday 09/01/2025 10:00 - The cause of the problem has been found and repaired. This notification is hereby closed. -Original message Thursday 09/01/2025 08:45 - Engineers note that some partners cannot access the Telephone Exchange page environment in Onebase. We are of this

Leverstraat Mobile

Engineers are currently noticing a lot of failures in the mobile delivery line. Research has started and the liver street has been plotted for now. It is therefore temporarily not possible to: Carry out mobile porting; Perform operations; To carry out number changes; New

[SOLVED] Problem logging in GRIP

-Unsubscribe message Friday 27/12/2024 11:45 - Engineers report that the problem has been resolved, business checks with affected partners confirm this. The accessibility of IRMA and Onebase has been restored, this message is hereby closed. -Update message Friday 27/12/2024 11:30 - Research shows